Saturday, August 24, 2013

#5 Freezer on Bottom Refrigerators

I love the refrigerator with the freezer on the bottom. I find it easier to get at things and since it is just hubby and I right now we don’t need a separate freezer. This is a good size and it opens like a drawer which is perfect for me.

I used to find that I had to bend down to see all the shelves in the fridge when the freezer was on top, so for me this is a good mix.

The only problem is accumulating fur from pets underneath. Yes there is a vent grill in front , but fur gets past that grill, I found that out the hard way.

The older style refrigerators used to have the coils on the back and the compressor at the back but the newer styles now have the venting and compressor underneath. This means the air flow that is needed to run the appliance comes from the front little section under the appliance. This is so you can also fit the fridge into tight spaces.

I never thought to take the grill off whenever I swept the floor and over the course of a year, dog fur got into that area through the airflow vent on the front at the floor level. My dog is always in the kitchen.

I couldn’t see it and it built up enough to cut off the air flow and burn out the compressor on the 2 year old fridge. Now we all know how expensive these appliances can be especially the stainless ones but since this was my own fault no warranty covered it.

So, I now once a month get down on the floor and unclip the vent front and stick the vacuum nozzle in there to make sure my dog’s fur is not accumulating in there!

So, just a tip to keep your appliance running smoothly!

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